Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Failure Of Boeing s Outsourcing Program For...

Abstract Technology plays an essential role in the development of logistic and supply chain over the past decade. It helps a company to meet the demand of customers at a higher level and enhance competitive opportunities for companies in the new business world. Besides, technology also allows companies to outsource to reduce operating costs, concentrate on core areas, save on a new technology and facilities, and provide better services. With all the benefits, more and more companies prefer contract outside the companies instead of providing an in-house service. However, outsourcing is not always a perfect choice for all companies due to its cons. The failure of Boeing’s outsourcing program for Dreamliner (B787) is one of an example that will explain that outsourcing can cause some significant risks for a company. In this paper, we will focus on analyzing some main causes leading the collapse of Boeing’s outsourcing program. Then we present some recommendation technologies that w ould help Boeing to minimize the probability of unsuccessful outsourcing plan in the future. Key words: Technology, Outsourcing, Dreamliner (B787). Recommendation technologies for Boeing to improve its problem related to the failure of outsourcing program for Dreamliner (B787). Brief Company Background Boeing is a largest American aerospace company manufacturing commercial jetliners, military aircraft. It is founded on July 15, 1916 in Seattle (Washington) as the Pacific Aero ProductsShow MoreRelatedWhat Went Wrong At Boeing2134 Words   |  9 Pagesthe commercial aviation arena. In summary, Boeing was endeavoring to build a brand new clean-sheet aircraft from materials never used, using methods never attempted, and using a supply chain more far reaching than ever experienced by the plane maker. In retrospect, it may be easy to see why the 787 has had so many problems. The problems are so large that Forbes was prompted to publish an article titled, â€Å"What Went Wrong at Boeing.† (Denning 2013) Boeing has worked through most of its supply chainRead MoreStrategic Operations Management6161 Words   |  25 PagesNetwork Design 12 4.2 Planning and Control 13 4.3 Improvement 14 4.3.1 Operations Improvement 14 4.3.2 Failure Prevention and Recovery 15 4.3.3 Quality Planning and Control 16 5) Outlook: Challenges for Operations Management in the Airline Industry 18 6) References 19 1 Introduction The airline industry was directly affected by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and companies like Boeing had to be bailed out by the government. Smaller companies did not have the same advantage and ended upRead MoreThe Result of Boeing 777 Project Case Study2878 Words   |  12 PagesBOEING CASE STUDY Studied by: Abdul Qureshi Durgesh Patel Kunal Sanghvi Executive Summary: Boeing has changed in every way in the past couple of decades and it is now one of the most successful aircraft companies in the world. The company leads the industry with technology and innovation. In the long run, success was rewarding yet very hard to achieve. The multibillion dollar company faced many challenges as it matured throughout past few decades. Boeing has clearly gone through many strategic

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