Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Statement On Values And Morals - 927 Words

Values and morals are an integral part of life; values define who we are on a personal and professional level. My personal and professional values are similar but are used differently on a personal and professional level. In this code of ethics I have identified my core values as respect, honesty, loyalty, integrity, professionalism, and responsibility. Developing a code of ethics has provided me with an opportunity to reflect on my values and evaluate how I turn those values into action. Personal Values In my personal life I value, respect, honesty and loyalty to the highest regard. In the past my morals and values were tested, but never compromised. By creating a code of ethics it has reinforced my values and generated a guideline for upholding them. Respect Respect is holding something or someone in high regard. Respect has an impact on all aspects of my life, both personally and professionally. As a personal value, respect is twofold; I must respect everyone around me as well as respecting myself. I will demonstrate respect for others by treating everyone equally and without judgement. I will listen and be considerate of the opinions and values of others, regardless of conflicting opinions. I will respect myself by dressing modestly and not objectifying myself as a woman. I will not engage in any unethical behaviour that may compromise my personal morals and values. Honesty Honesty is the quality of being truthful and honest. Honesty is essential to developingShow MoreRelatedAyer s Philosophical View : Emotivism Vs. Subjectivism1026 Words   |  5 Pagesthe â€Å"ethical† statements that are put out by Emotivism cannot be empirically tested and also because the intent behind making Emotive philosophical statements is to influence the thoughts or behaviors or one’s audience rather than just giving facts. 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