Friday, December 27, 2019

Motivation of Governmental Employees at the National Library and Information System Authority Free Essay Example, 9500 words

There are two research techniques that are both usable and analytical and are conventionally used in research studies. The first is the qualitative approach. This approach, according to Schwab (2004), handles case studies, in which the investigation is done through careful scrutiny, subjective understanding, and judgment. Moreover, this approach concentrates more on the how and the why and pays little attention to statistical and/ or numerical facts. The other research approach is the quantitative research approach. This technique, on the other hand, as asserted by Gleiner Morgan (2000) makes use of statistical data collected from representatives of a population in order to come up with valid, generalizable conclusions. Further, Suen Ary (1989) say that the quantitative approach is the more favored method by researchers. The quantitative approach, according to Bryman and Burgess (1994), lets the researcher structure responses for ease of administration by the researcher and for ea se of answering by the respondents. This method obtains dependable results because of the statistical methods utilized. In the case of the current research study, the researcher chose to utilize questionnaires, adopting a quantitative approach. We will write a custom essay sample on Motivation of Governmental Employees at the National Library and Information System Authority or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Since a mixed methods research approach shall be employed in the current study, the qualitative research approach was likewise used. According to one research expert, qualitative measurement provides broad open-ended methods which address verbal and non-verbal behavior (Smith, 1991, p. 20).

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility - 839 Words

The idea of a perfectly clear and all summative definition and concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a much deliberated and controversial one. So aged has been this deliberation that Votaw and Sethi (1973) depicted it as a brilliant term; which rightfully means something, but not always the same thing to everybody. The research of Marrewijk (2013, p.95) elaborated on the intensity of this unending debate among academics, consultants and corporate executives which results in creating, supporting and criticizing of different concepts. I believe corporate social responsibility are voluntary actions by establishments, enterprise or industries towards a specified region, individuals or society within its locality of operation that yields different forms of development or growth. Such actions usually have a positive effect on the enterprise. As always, definitions comes in contrast with other concepts and ideologies. Such is clearly enumerated by the sceptic ideals which Friedman (1962) clearly stressed: ‘Few trends would so thoroughly undermine the very foundations of free CSR society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as they possibly can’ (p.134). He argued the desideratum for the existence of any other social responsibility for businessmen other than that of making maximum profits for their stockholders. If such social responsibilities are in existence, how are theyShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesThe Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility According to Pearce Robinson (2014), corporate social responsibility (CSR) is â€Å"the idea that business has a duty to serve society in general as well as the financial interests of stockholders.†(P.56) The concept of corporate social responsibility of the business operation must comply with sustainable development idea; the company should not only consider its own financial and operating conditions, but also think of its impacts on the social and environmentRead MoreConcept Of Corporate Social Responsibility1723 Words   |  7 PagesSocial responsibility is an idea that has been of concern to mankind for many years. Over the last two decades, however, it has become of increasing concern to the business world. This has resulted in growing interaction between governments, businesses and society as a whole. In the past, businesses primarily concerned themselves with the economic results of their decisions. â€Å"Today, however, businesses must also reflect on the legal, eth ical, moral and social consequences of their decisions† (AndersonRead MoreThe Concepts Of Corporate Social Responsibility1456 Words   |  6 PagesThe concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been evolving for decades. At the very beginning, it was argued that corporation’s sole responsibility was to provide maximum financial returns to shareholders. However, it became quickly apparent to everyone that this pursuit of financial gain had to take place within the boundary of the legal system (Carroll, 1979;1991). Bowen’s 1953 publication of ‘Social Responsibility of Businessman’ was considered by many scholar to be the first definitiveRead MoreConcept Of Corporate Social Responsibility2717 Words   |  11 PagesPurpose and Outline of the report Task A 2.0 Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 2.1 Deontological Theory 2.2 Carroll’s Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility 3.0 Key issues of Corporate Social Responsibility 3.1 Economical Issues 3.2 Legal Ethical Issues 3.3 Application of Code of Conduct Issues Task B 4.0 Responsible Practices Task C 5.0 Recommendations Appendices References Report on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Do allRead MoreThe Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility2237 Words   |  9 PagesThe classic origin of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) came from the principle that the purpose of the corporation is to make profits for the stockholders. This view of Milton Friedman came to be referred to later as the classical theory of CSR (Bowie, 1991). Tom Donaldson argued that this theory derived from the concept of the social contract between the corporation and the society where it operates. This perspective, however, faced criticism over its inherently opportunisticRead MoreThe Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility1174 Words   |  5 Pages The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been developed for decades and it has been conceptualized in a number of ways. The business only can get success if there is interaction between all stakeholders in the company. The business organization of any form whether it is small or large, are seen as a creation of society and their survival is only dependent on the society. Socially responsible firms view CSR as a source of competitive advantage by attracting a higherRead MoreThe Concept Of Corporate Social Responsibility Essay3395 Words   |  14 Pagestransparency, environment, business and society. The corporates started understanding that they would have to rise over and above the profitability and take care of all those related with their survival in the society directly or indirectly. This understanding is the result of the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This report is to understand of key concepts, principles of CSR, business ethi cs, corporate governance, and social responsible investing by the two case study of the TATARead More The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Essays1687 Words   |  7 PagesThe Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility With the interest in Corporate Social Responsibility growing, increasing numbers of organisations are incorporating CSR into their business operations in an effort to be seen acting as good corporate citizens, so what is CSR what is its role in todays organizations? The term CSR refers to a company?s obligation to maximize its positive impact on society, accommodating changing social, market stakeholder pressures in an effort to achieveRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : A New Concept2201 Words   |  9 PagesCorporate social responsibility occurs where organizations take full responsibility for their actions to their customers, the environment of operations, immediate communities, stakeholders and employees among others. It extends beyond the legal scope and initiates voluntary steps towards the improvement and sustenance of quality life to the various actors it is affiliated to. For instance, they take part in eradicating poverty-related issues, providing basic amenities to the affected communitiesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : A Strategic Concept1393 Words   |  6 PagesSection 1: Introduction Corporate social responsibility is a notable strategic concept whose presence in today’s business world cannot be overlooked. This paper consists of an intricate analysis of corporate social responsibility, as well as an investigation on how Target Corporation is handling this increasingly popular business concept. The background and foundation of this business approach is thoroughly depicted, shedding light on its rising acclaim among firms and the positive effects it has

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Did the Liberals Win the 1906 General Election by a Landslide free essay sample

Those who see it as a positive win for the Liberals argue it is due to the bringing in on New Liberalism and its plans on Social Reform, at a time when the welfare of the majority of citizens, the working class, was becoming a key concern. The issues that had split the Liberal Party had been put to one side, like Irish Home Rule and The Boer War was over, which meant the party was stronger because there was agreement throughout. They were strongly united over the issue of Free Trade which was very popular among voters, especially working class, as they feared food prices would increase from Tariff Reform. The Liberals also cleverly used the downfalls of the Conservatives and exploited them at this time, for example, they using the Conservatives misjudgements regarding education and licensing and promising Welsh Disestablishment they were able to win the votes of a lot of non-conformists. Another key factor in the Liberals win was the Lib-Lab pact, by making this deal, they tried to ensure a majority vote for the centre and left wing parties which was a smart move. However, others have argued that rather than showing a positive reaction to progressive Liberalism, the result reflected an overwhelming rejection of Conservative policies. The main and perhaps one of the most damaging issue for the Conservatives was the Boer War; though it had originally benefited the Conservatives in 1900, promoting patriotism and helping them win the 1900 election, by 1906 there had been more deaths than Britain expected and it had been much more drawn out. The Boer War also helped unveil the poverty and need for Social Reform by that time, which the Liberals exploited the Conservatives for supposedly neglecting this and by this time the Liberals had healed the splits in their party. Another very damaging issue for the Conservatives was the tariff reform campaign and was probably the Conservative biggest policy misjudgement; when this was introduced in 1903 many voters were very unhappy. Not only working class, but also middle class were worried that this would mean an increase in food prices and feared for their living conditions; furthermore this issue split the Conservatives, and many people do not wish to vote for a split party – this issue had in fact helped reunite the Liberal party, strengthening them and making the Conservatives appear more incompetent. The 1902 Education Act and the 1904 Licensing Act outraged many of the nonconformists and lost their vote for the Conservatives, many of these nonconformists were part of Wales, giving the Liberals an advantage in swinging the vote in marginal constituencies. The nonconformists were also very unpleased over the Chinese Labour Issue; however, this issue also damaged the vote of the trade unionists. They feared that the low working Chinese would be shipped over to Britain, lowering wages, and with unemployment high in 1905 opposition to the issue took votes away from the Conservatives. Again upsetting the trade unionists, was the Taff Vale case, many were outraged at the lack of support of the Conservatives and were encouraged to vote Labour. Many believe that the Liberals promoted Social Reforms to high degrees; however, not many Liberal MPs could be considered Social Radicals. It was more cleverly played that the Liberals exploited the Conservatives’ lack of Social Reforms. Poverty was becoming more and more apparent in Britain and the Liberals used this to say that the Conservatives were neglecting many of the voters and letting this happen, this meant that many working class voters voted for the Liberals and lost any loyalty they may have had for the Conservatives. Lastly, the leadership at this time for the Conservatives was at one of its weakest points at that time, A. J. Balfour had failed to listen to the public’s opinions on many issues, meaning the negative reactions were ignored rather than fixed. He allowed Joseph Chamberlain to issue the tariff reform campaign, a main factor in their loss; and was indirectly responsible to the timing of the 1906 election due to his unusual decision to step down his government. Due to the First Post System, the number of seats is not proportional to the percentage of votes. This means whether the 1906 election was a ‘landslide’ win was questionable. Although the Liberals has an outstanding number of 358 seats in parliament, against a less impressive 157 from the Conservatives, when looking at the percentage of voting the Liberals only scored 49%. This is not the majority vote, however due to the system it is counted by seats. So depending on how it is looked at – the Liberals didn’t win by such a huge amount. However, basing it on the First Post system in place, which counts the number of seats in parliament, the Liberals beat the Conservatives by an incredible amount. In conclusion by focusing on the failings of the previous Conservative government, the Liberals were able to enjoy a wide appeal across the political and social spectrum. The slogan of free trade was a policy that resonated with a broad audience, reluctant to see food prices rise as a result of the Conservative inclination towards tariff reform. The Governments use of forced Chinese labour aroused moral concern, particularly amongst Nonconformists, already incensed by the 1902 Education Act and 1904 Licensing Act. The trade unions were equally disgruntled by the Conservatives failure to reverse the Taff Vale judgement. In this sense, the result can be viewed as much as ‘landslide lose’ for Conservatism as a ‘landslide win’ for Liberalism. If the system had been different, the win may not have been as dynamic, and the Conservatives may have had a slight higher chance. However it can easily be said that the reason for the Liberals landslide win in 1906 was due to the Conservatives huge failure, made up of many poorly judged decisions, rather than a great success in the Liberals’ policies.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Show How Transactions in Derivatives Can Be Used to Either Hedge Risk or to Open Speculative Positions. Essay Example

Show How Transactions in Derivatives Can Be Used to Either Hedge Risk or to Open Speculative Positions. Essay Economics of the Financial System Show how transactions in derivatives can be used to either hedge risk or to open speculative positions. Derivatives have become popular in response to the increasing volatility and complexity of financial markets. A diverse range of new financial products have been created to enable market participants to handle the risks arising from trade in securities and to speculate on future expected movements in securities prices, without direct trade in the assets themselves. Derivative contract creates a promise to deliver or trade an underlying product at some time in the future. The contract gives one party a claim on an underlying asset or cash value of the asset, at a fixed date in the future. The other party is contractually bound to meet the corresponding liabilities. Financial derivatives are traded on organized market such as LIFFE (London International Financial Futures Exchange) and through the intermediation of the clearing house system, there is more flexibility of exchange, and the risk of credit default is reduced. The two parties need not know each other they only have to satisfy the exchange that they are creditworthy to transact. The initial purpose of derivative contracts was to allow traders to hedge risk which they faced in the cash market. Two of the most popular derivative instruments are financial futures and options. Financial futures commit the parties to buy or sell underlying assets at set prices on an agreed future date. The benefit of financial futures in its most basic form can be exemplified by a poultry farmer who is worried about the risk of price fluctuations in eggs for instance. He knows in 8 months he will sell a certain quantity of eggs. We will write a custom essay sample on Show How Transactions in Derivatives Can Be Used to Either Hedge Risk or to Open Speculative Positions. specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Show How Transactions in Derivatives Can Be Used to Either Hedge Risk or to Open Speculative Positions. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Show How Transactions in Derivatives Can Be Used to Either Hedge Risk or to Open Speculative Positions. specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer He can hedge against this risk by selling (going short) an eight month â€Å"future† in eggs. The â€Å"future† will consist of a standard amount of chicken to be exchanged in eight months, at an agreed fixed price on the day the â€Å"future† is sold. The agent buying the eggs goes long, and is bound by contract to purchase the eggs in 8 months. A premium reflecting the risk of price fluctuation would be charged by the agent. If all goes well, the rate of profit on future contract can be very high but not without considerable risk. Investing in securities expose investors to many risks, the most important is the risk of an unexpected fall in the value of an investment. Likewise, not investing also exposes them to opportunity risk; the risk that future prices of portfolio of asset would rise thereby making it more expensive to acquire. Derivatives market offer investors an efficient way of managing some of the risks incurred in investment by purchasing derivative instruments. This allows them to attain desired adjustment to risk without having to trade in the underlying securities and sometimes gaining a profit. Hedging has become increasing popular as it helps investors to protect against the future value of their portfolio. An investor with a portfolio of cash, bonds and shares can take out a hedge to protect the future sale price of her portfolio by selling a corresponding amount of the appropriate futures contract. Risk could be hedged through options or future contracts. Hedging through future contracts involves taking a position in financial futures contract that will incur a gain to offset a loss in their existing investment portfolio. For example, Amana Mutual Fund manages a large portfolio of stocks. The portfolio manager speculates the prices of stock will fall over the coming month but will increase again after that time. They would like to hedge their portfolio against a loss over that period. A stock index futures contract with a month to settlement date is offered on the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock index at an index level of 20,000. Amana chooses to sell a futures contract on this index because it reckons that this index is strongly correlated with its existing stock portfolio. In a month, at the stipulated settlement date, Stanford will purchase the same contract. If stock prices plunge over this period, the index will fall as well, and so will the futures contract on the index in response. Amana will profit on its future position, because the future price paid at which the index is sold will be less than price paid for the index at settlement date. After a month, the stock market falls as anticipated, and the futures price of the DJIA is at an index level of 19,000. DJIA futures contract are rated at ? 10 the DJIA index, so Amana stands to gain. Sold DJIA futures for 20,000; receives 20,000 times ? 10 =? 00,000 Purchased DJIA futures for 19,000; owes 19,000 times ? 10 =? 190,000 Gain is ? 200,000 ? 190,000 = ? 10,000 This shows that Amana benefits from selling a DJIA futures contract. Amana has gained from a market decline, which can partially counterbalance the loss on its existing stock portfolio. However, to hedge a huge stock of portfolio, Amana would have to take a short position that had a value equal to the size of its entire stock po rtfolio. Options give one party the right, but not the obligation, to buy (or sell) at a set price on an agreed future date. Future Contracts are a means of avoiding risk but at the cost of eliminating opportunity. A trader may prefer to hedge risks through options so he can take advantage of an unexpected upswing. If hedgers of an equity portfolio sell futures contracts against their position to protect their portfolio and see the stock market go up rather than down as they presumed, they would not be able to take advantage of the upswing. It is therefore advisable to use future contracts when the investor is certain of future outcome as the contract fixes the value of an asset. However, hedging via options is more expensive as it protects from downside loss while leaving upside potentials open with the right but no obligation to purchase asset at a fixed price. Derivatives allow firms to hedge against security prices and interest rate movements, the latter being the most actively traded future contract used by banks and treasury managers. A pension fund manager holds an equity portfolio which closely resembles the US stock market in its compositions. If he thinks the US market is going to fall and wishes to turn his portfolio into cash. He has two choices, he could either sell shares which would not be as profitable because share prices might be depressed if it is a large portfolio plus it is time consuming. Or she could simply sell stock index futures against her portfolio. If accurate, the loss incurred on her equity portfolio will be counterbalanced by a profit on her financial futures position. Derivatives reduce the cost of protection through sophisticated risk management. Firms that are adversely affected by interest rate movements can take particular position in derivative securities to offset the effect of interest rate movement thereby reducing risk. By coming into a ‘forward rate agreement’ a company treasurer can fix the cost of borrowing which will be required on some future date, thus avoiding the risk of fluctuating interest rates in the prevailing period. Interest rate future contracts can be used to match the interest rate characteristics of the bank’s asset and liabilities portfolios. Market makers can hedge the risk resulting from significant positions in equities or bonds by buying offsetting contracts in equity or interest rate futures. Interest rate futures specify the amount of the notional bond and its interest- rate coupon, for instance a ? 50,000 nominal 15-year treasury bond with a 10 per cent coupon. Traders using futures to hedge against risk to which they are exposed in the cash market are seeking to lock into existing exchange or interest rates on future transactions. Once a firm has traded out of its open position in the cash market it no longer needs the hedge in the futures market. Howe ver, the use of futures to hedge to hedge against interest rates for instance can give rise to basis risk. Basis risk is the risk that fluctuations in future prices will differ from movement in the price of risk being hedged. Firms are also faced with exchange rate risks, in the absence of fixed exchange rates or monetary unions, firms must take action to protect themselves against these risks by taking out contracts which carry the opposite risk to that which they face in the underlying market. Another advantage of financial futures contract is that they offer both traders and investors the ability to take a short position in the underlying security; sell something they do not have. Traders may think a financial market is falling, by selling future contracts and buying them back later after the price has fallen they would be able to gain profit in a bear market. Derivatives help to combat adverse effects of volatile commodity prices on the economy as forward prices tend to be less volatile than spot prices. Since the spot price of a security can be offset by the sale of future contracts, the risk of holding securities is neutralized. Hedging is the basic motivation for a lot of businesses trading in financial derivatives market. Nonetheless, speculation is just as popular as derivatives allow firms and investors to take positions in the securities on the basis of their expectations of movements in the underlying financial asset. In other words, derivatives are instruments that allow market agents seeking profit gain to gamble on movements in the prices of other instruments without being required to trade in them. Furthermore, speculation provides liquidity in the markets and enables it to operate efficiently. Speculative positions are required to offset any imbalance which may arise from hedging transactions, and active speculation in response to small price movements ensures that any temporary imbalance would not lead to a drastic price change thereby reducing volatility. Derivative markets respond to information quicker than cash market. Therefore it allows speculators to predict with accuracy cash market prices and return of their investment. For example, a speculator who presumed that interest rate was likely to rise or a currency’s value decline would go short in the particular asset by selling a future contract. Derivatives permit traders to build an open position with speed, traders usually close this position when they have achieved profit objective. If anticipated profits are unlikely, they cut losses before delivery date. Investors could either purchase call or put options for speculative purposes. Call options are bought by investors who speculate a rise in price of underlying stock. An investor pays the option premium and becomes the owner of a call option he is entitled to the right to purchase stock at the exercise price up to the time of expiration date. The advantage of this is that investors have secured a price to be paid for stocks and therefore gain a profit in secondary market of stock prices rise. Tayo purchased a call option on British Telecoms (BT) Plc. for $3 per share, with an exercise price of $75 per share. She decides to exercise her option at the expiration date if the market stock price is above $75 at the time. Tayo wants to find out what her possible profit outcomes are per share under the different prices of Boots plc. stock. Possible Outcomes for Investment in a Call Option Possible price of boots plc stock at expiration($)| Premium paid($)| Amount Received from Exercising Option($)| Profit share from investment($)| 71| 3| Option not exercised| -4| 76| 3| 1| -2| 78| 3| 3| 0| 82| 3| 7 | 4| 85| 3| 10| 7| At any price above $75 but below $78, Tayo will exercise the call option but make a loss. For instance, at the price of $76, she can exercise the option by buying the stock at $75 and selling them for $76. However, with a premium of $3 to be paid, she incurs a loss of $2 on her investment. At the price of $78, tayo breaks even and at any price beyond that she makes a profit from this call option. On the other hand, put options are purchased by investors who expect a fall in price of assets. The contract is set at a predetermined rate lower than the current market price, so if prices do plunge further investors earn a profit from put option. This leverage allows speculative investments to be used to take advantage of specific profit opportunities or to insure a portfolio against risk. For an options contract, there has to be a corresponding seller (or writer) to the purchaser of an option, who is prepared to accept the increased risk exposure and the premium has to be large enough to compensate risk. The buyer of a call option acquires the right to buy specified instrument. For example, an investor who speculates that euro will rise against the US dollar could buy a euro surplus giving the right to buy euro at a specified price, say $0. 60 =? 1. If the spot exchange rate were to rise to $0. 68 =? 1, the option holder could acquire euro at $ 0. 60 under the terms of the option and sell them in the spot market at $0. 68. As the price of the underlying product rises, so too will the profit that can be made from exercising the option. The buyer of a call option thus assumes a long position in the underlying product. Swaps are a huge market. The first major example of a derivative trade occurred between the World Bank and IBM in 1983. The World Bank was lending in Swiss Francs and wanted to borrow in Swiss Francs, but it had depleted all its borrowing options, hence it faced rising costs. On the other hand, IBM was a dollar borrower but had never borrowed in Swiss Francs as it had no use for the currency. Nonetheless, Salomon Brothers, the investment bank set up a deal with IBM because IBM could borrow Swiss Francs at a cheaper rate than the World Bank could, so both institutions borrowed currencies they did not need. IBM in Swiss Francs and World Bank in dollars, this was done simultaneously and they converted proceeds into currencies they did need. Salomon Brothers was the ‘writer’ of the debt obligation and because of their dealings with each other; both institutions faced a lower interest rate. All of the above gives evidence that derivatives are a powerful instrument in combating risks and making profits from speculation amongst other. However, Warren Buffet warns that derivatives are not without its curses. He likens derivatives to â€Å"hell†¦. easy to enter and almost impossible to leave† and states that increasing trade in it pose a mega-catastrophic risk for the economy as it pushes companies onto a ‘spiral that can lead to a corporate meltdown’. For example, derivatives trading were held partially responsible for the collapse of the stock market in 1987. The story being that stock market trader anticipated a decline in the price of stocks that weekend. Immense orders to sell were made at brokerage houses and many traders automatically sold futures in shares of major corporations. This panic and wrong speculation destabilised stock markets and contributed to the volatility of the cash market. An example closer to home is the losses of ? 91 million made by traders at NatWest Capital Markets (the investment banking arm of the National Westminster Bank in London) in 1995 and 1996 on deutschmark and sterling options. In Conclusion, financial derivatives , although not without faults, has become a major global growth industry as financial agents have become increasingly assertive and innovative in their use of futures, options and swaps to hedge risks and take speculative positions. References 1) http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/2817995. stm Accessed on the 20th April 2010 2) http://www. globalresearch. ca/index. php? context=vaaid=8634 Accessed on the 28th April 2010 3) Howells P Bain K (2007) Financial Markets and Institutions, London: Prentice Hall 4) Mervyn K. Lewis (1999) The Globalization of Financial Services, Cheltenham: Elgar Reference Collection 5) Rutterford J Davison M (2007) An Introduction to Stock Exchange Investment, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 6) Howells P Bain K (2002) The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance, Essex: Pearson Education 7) Henderson R (1993) European Finance, Berkshire: McGraw Hill Book Company 8) Gitman L Madura J (2001) Introduction to Finance, Boston: Addison Wesley 9) Heffernan Shelagh (1996) Modern Banking in Theory and Practice, Chichester: Wiley 10) A. D Bain( 1992) The Economics of the Financial System, Oxford: Blackwell

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

American Black Bear Facts

American Black Bear Facts The American black bear (Ursus americanus) is a large omnivore that inhabits the forests, swamps, and tundra throughout the more northerly reaches of North America. In some areas such as the Pacific Northwest, it commonly lives at the edges of towns and suburbs where it has been known to break into storage buildings or cars in search of food. Fast Facts: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus americanusCommon Name: American black bearBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: 4.25–6.25 feet longWeight: 120–660 poundsLifespan: 10–30 yearsDiet: OmnivoreHabitat: Forested areas in Alaska, Canada, the United States, MexicoPopulation: 600,000Conservation Status:  Least Concern Description Black bears vary considerably in color throughout their range. In the east, bears are usually black with a brown snout. But in the west, their color is more variable and can be black, brown, cinnamon, or even a light buff color. Along the coast of British Columbia and Alaska, there are two color morphs of black bears that are distinct enough to earn them nicknames: the whitish Kermode bear or spirit bear and the blue-gray glacier bear. Although some black bears may be colored like brown bears, the two species can be distinguished by the fact that the smaller black bears lack the dorsal hump characteristic of the larger brown bears. Black bears also have larger ears that stand more erect than brown bears. Black bears have powerful limbs and are equipped with short claws that enable them to break apart logs, climb trees, and collect grubs and worms. They also claw apart beehives and feed on the honey and bee larvae they contain. Habitat and Range The American black bear lives in forested areas throughout North America, from Canada to Mexico and in at least 40 states in the U.S. They used to live in almost all forested areas of North American, but now they are restricted to areas that are less densely populated by  humans. In Canada, the American black bear still lives in most of its historic range, other than the central plains. These bears also once inhabited the mountainous regions of northern Mexico, but their numbers have dwindled in this region. Black bears are one of three bear species that live in North America; the other two are the brown bear and the polar bear. Of these bear species, black bears are the smallest and most timid. When encountered by humans, black bears often flee rather than attack. Diet Black bears are omnivores. Their diet includes grasses, berries, nuts, fruit, seeds, insects, small vertebrates, and carrion. In northern regions, they eat spawning salmon. American black bears will also occasionally kill young deer or moose calves. In the colder parts of their range, black bears seek refuge in their den for the winter where they enter a winter sleep. Their dormancy is not true hibernation, but during their winter sleep, they refrain from eating, drinking, or excreting waste for as long as seven months. During this time, their metabolism slows and heart rate falls. Reproduction and Offspring Black bears reproduce sexually. They reach reproductive maturity at 3 years of age. Their breeding season occurs in spring but the embryo does not implant in the mothers womb until late fall. Two or three cubs are born in January or February. The cubs are very small and spend the next several months nursing in the safety of the den. Cubs emerge from the den with their mother in spring. They remain under the care of their mother until they are about 1 ½ years old at which time they disperse to seek out their own territory. Conservation Status The IUCN classifies the American Black Bears conservation status as least concern.  And, the black bear is the most common bear in North America. However, all large mammals who eat meat- big cats, wolves, and bears- face threats stemming from the loss of prey and habitat. This includes black bears, though they are less affected because 95 percent of their diet is plant-based. American Black Bears and Humans American black bears across North America are also facing a decline in forest areas where they once lived due to the rapid expansion of urban areas. Indeed, most of the challenges black bears face in North America come from humans. American black bears are intelligent and learn quickly where they can find garbage left by people as well as where human food is easily accessible. This makes for the perfect conditions for human-bear conflict, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society. The problem is particularly pronounced in backcountry areas where humans hike and camp as well as populated forest areas, leading to dangerous conditions for black bears and humans alike. Sources â€Å"Black Bears.†Ã‚â€Å"Basic Facts About Black Bears.†Ã‚  Defenders of Wildlife, 10 Jan. 2019.â€Å"Carnivore Collapse.†Ã‚  Defenders of Wildlife, 10 Jan. 2019.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Compare and Contrast the Egyptian Palette of Narmer and the essays

Compare and Contrast the Egyptian Palette of Narmer and the essays Narmer was the name of the Egyptian king who ruled in 3100 BCE the first dynastic period of Egypt The palette which is made of Mudstone depicts scenes in high relief and the kings name using pictographs (an early form of writing, Narmer = fish and chisel). Palettes were used for grinding and this one being found in the temple of Horus may have been used for religious ceremonies. King Narmer is the main character in the various scenes; the images show him as the great unifier, protector, and leader in Hieratic Scale. Hieratic Scale signifies the status of an individual or groups by relative size. The images on the front and back of the palette show Narmer as the absolute ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt using natural (dead enemy, soldiers and servants) and super-natural forms (Long necked feline creatures, Horus (falcon with human hands) and Bulls with human faces). Naramsin was the name of a grandson of the Akkadian King Sargon who ruled northern Mesopotamia in 2332 BCE. The Stele, which is an upright stone, depicts and image in high relief of the King and his soldiers on a mountain with his enemy dead, dieing or pleading for mercy. It is believed to have been created to celebrate/record his military victory. The shape of the Stele is included as part of the artwork. The Stele stone, is mountain in shape, and the scene depicted, takes place on a mountain giving it a highly stylized visualization. The King is ascending the mountain wearing a horned crown under images of three suns (solar gods) above, and soldiers below. The components of the image are also made to Hieratic Scale. The king is bigger and more centered relative to other components of the total image. The two pieces, The Palette of Narmer, and the Stele of Naramsin, share the concept of presenting a scene, which is meant to awe the viewer and ingrain the thought of Imperial Authority (Rulers either being gods or god-like). The rulers by ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

In the Service of My Lord Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In the Service of My Lord - Essay Example There, it flashed in me what it was to be a true follower of Jesus Christ who pleaded to the Heavenly Father when crucified on the Cross, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). Forgiveness doe not come easily to even ordinary human beings like me. So then, how was it that He, the Holy Spirit, who had within Him the power to speak to the Father who was in Heaven directly, could pray for their forgiveness If He, Son of God, could pray to His Father for forgiveness of those who have been so cruel to Him, was it because He was weak I knew even such a thought was preposterous. To the contrary, it was because He wanted to teach us mortals, the power of forgiveness, the power of prayer. He showed us by His own example, how to forgive, how to pray! I was moved when I realized this, and a strange calm settled in me after this episode. I resolved to take Christ as my 'Guiding Spirit' ever since and truly believe that "His word" has been "a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119:105). I devoted myself to my studies then on, and have successfully completed my schooling, to the best of my ability. However, the above experience has never left my memory and has made me believe that I can progress in my spiritual as well as social life, by following the path of the Holy Gospel. Education has always been important to our family.